Crellin, MD
From I-68 west of Cumberland, Maryland, take exit 19 at Grantsville. Turn left onto Maryland Route 495 south and follow it 19.8 miles to stop sign in Swanton. Turn right at this stop sign. Route 495 continues for 3.3 miles where (at the flashing yellow light) it becomes Route 135 west. (continue to go straight). From this flashing light, follow Route 135 west for 7.4 miles (through one additional flashing light and 3 traffic signals). At the third traffic signal, Route 135 becomes Route 219 North; continue going straight for half a mile to the fourth traffic signal, where Route 219 bcomes Route 39 West. Continue going straight for 3.9 miles to the town of Crellin. (one block past the 4th sighnal is a 5th one--continue going straight.) Cross the Route 39 bridge over the Youghiogheny River. Immediately past the bridge, turn left onto Otterbein St. which runs through the church parking lot.